Tuesday 9 February 2016

Waitangi Weekend!

Good Afternoon, Mrs T and my fellow classmates of Tima Aoraki!

During Waitangi weekend my good friend Paris came over. The weather was really good so we got to spend heaps of time out on the water and in the boat. We went on the kneeboards behind the boat together.  This is always more fun than going by yourself as you trying all the time to spray each other. We also went on the biscuit.  We did heaps of swimming which was super fun because she brought her GoPro.  The GoPro was very exciting to use because we could take photos underwater.  Henley took some really good videos on the GoPro from the boat of us kneeboarding and biscuiting!
It was nice having a long week end and hanging out with friends and family.

By Diaz M

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