Tuesday 16 February 2016

Pavlova Roll

4 Egg Whites
1 Cup Castor Sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
1 Teaspoon Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Cornflour

Beat the Egg Whites until soft peaks form
Add sugar gradually
Add Vanilla, Vinegar and Cornflour
Grease the sides of a sponge roll tin and line the bottom with baking paper
Bake at 170 degrees Celcius for 15 minutes until lightly golden brown
Turn out the Pavlova onto greaseproof paper and sprinkle with Castor Sugar
Allow the Pavlova to cool slightly
Spread the Pavlova with whipped cream and fresh fruit
Roll up the Pavlova like a jam roll
Cover the rolled up Pavlova with whipped cream
Decorate on top with chocolate shavings and fruit

Emma's Favourite! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!

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