Tuesday 16 February 2016




3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essnce
2 tablespoon cocoa
1/4cup champion standard plain flower
1 teaspoon edmonds baking powder
25g butter,melted
1 tablespoon water
icing sugar
raspberry jam
whipped cream
chocolate icing


Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla until thick
Sift cocoa, flour and baking powder together
Add to egg mixture
Add butter and water
Pour mixture into a greased and lined 20 x 30 cm sponge roll tin
Bake at 190°C for 10-12 minutes or until cake springs back when lightly touched
When cooked turn onto greaseproof paper, sprinkled with sifted icing sugar
Spread with jam and roll from the short side immediately, using the paper to help
Leave the roll wrapped in the paper until cold
When cold, ice with chocolate butter icing and pipe with a shell pattern icing tube to resemble a log.

by zach b

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