Wednesday 17 February 2016

My Favorite Chocolate And Orange Mousse

Serves 4:
100 ml coconut cream.
1/3 coco powder
1 avocado
10 dates, softened in boiling water
zest and juice of one orange
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Pour the coconut cream into a small saucepan and warm ever so slightly. Stir the cocoa powder and whisk until smooth, then leave to cool. 

Put the avocado, dates, orange juice and vanilla in a food processor, or stick blend with a pinch of sea salt . add the cooled coca mixture and blend for 1-2 minutes, until completely smooth.

Spoon into four 150 ml dessert cups. Sprinkle with the orange zest  and refrigerate for an hour or so, until well chilled.

So yummy (and healthy)!

By Mackensi Frew

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