Tuesday 9 February 2016

My Holiday

In the holidays, I went to Lake Hawea. My nana and hop took me, we stayed with my 2nd cousin Liz and her husband Dave. (Liz and Dave are very nice people and they treated me very well).

Liz and Dave own the shop, café and restaurant in Lake Hawea, its called sailz.On the 2nd day Liz and Dave asked me if I wanted to work in the shop for a day.

So I got up early and walked to the shop because Liz and Dave had already left. I bagged Apricots and Cherries, made up dollar lolly mixtures (I think I ate more than was put in the bags) filling the drink fridges was fun to do as well. My favourite part about working in sailz was making a coffee for a customer.

 I earnt $40, at the end of the day Liz took me for a refreshing swim in the lake. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HAVING ME LIZ & DAVE!!!!!! XX

By Ruby S

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