Tuesday 23 February 2016

My Poem By Alex

 My Awesome Dad
 By Alex

My Dad is an enthusiastic person
He likes lots of things in general
But I think he likes me the most.

I love my Dad so much and so do the rest of the family
But sometimes he can make me a bit angry.
It doesn't last long but I soon forgive him.
I wish I could say the same about my brother
He doesn't forgive people as quickly as I do.

I'm interested in the things that Dad does,
Like his wood works and other construction stuff.
I'd like to be like my Dad one day
But I'd also like to do other things that interest me.

Sometimes I imagine the epic masterpieces I could do
By using my Dad's tools and wood.
Working side by side with my Dad
I would learn lots of amazing stuff.

I love my Dad loads, and the rest of my family equally
I feel secure when he is around.
"So lucky for me I have my Dad here constantly."

Thanks Dad!

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