Sunday 14 February 2016

Blog Challenge 3

Hi Team!
Wow! I have loved reading all about your Waitangi Weekend antics! Great to see so many of you getting comfortable with how to use the blog. Ka pai!

This weeks challenge is to:

Find and publish your favourite recipe.
If you have time and permission maybe you could try it out and take a picture to share.
For example;  my son currently loves making chocolate chip biscuits, so I would share the recipe to you guys on here and a picture if we decide to make the biscuits in the weekend.
This is a great way to share ideas - you may want to try out someone else's favourite recipe!
Happy baking/cooking!
Mrs T

Parent disclaimer - there is absolutely no pressure to bake or cook for this challenge. All the students have to do is share a recipe. If you want to make the recipe then that is an optional extra. Students - no bullying parents - if they say no, they mean no!

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