Wednesday 2 March 2016


Hi everyone, my all time favourite hobby is netball!!! I have been played netball for 3 years. My favourite positions are GD (goal defense), WD (wing defense) and WA (wing attack). The first year I played netball I got 2 trophies they were most improved and players player. The first year we won our finals against Oxford, the second year we won the finals against Fernside and last year we lost the semi finals against Ohoka.

My second favourite hobby is having fun with my family, I have 8 cousins that I see the most the others live in Australia, their names are Matthew, Caleb, Lydia, Briar, Olivia, Ryan, Tia and Bailey. We all love to play outside under the sprinkler, on the waterslide, playing games and we obviously all love a good game of spotlight. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!

By Ruby S

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