Monday, 21 March 2016

Hi fellow seniors

The planet I've been wanting to live on is Mars, because it would be cool to survive on a planet with no oxygen. I would also like to discover if there is any life on Mars. I wonder if I could plant trees on Mars because it's not dirt. I would survive by taking trips to one of the polar ice caps which is a layer of dry ice (carbon dioxide) because under that layer of ice there is frozen water. I would get my food by harvesting crops and breeding cows for milk, butter and meat. To grow the crops I would need massive green houses probably five minimum and I would also need a light source from the sun. I would need a huge satellite dish so that I can communicate to Earth if I need help, supplies and basic conversation. My main energy source would be from the sun using solar panels to power stuff like my moon buggy which I would have a separate solar panel on the back.
So that is why I would like to live o Mars.

By Alex

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