Tuesday, 22 March 2016

My blog challenge plz read by Bryn

Hi, Bryn here, I'd like to live in ancient Egypt. I'd be a wealthy grand vizier and I'd also be able to see how the pyramids were built and I'd live in a mansion with some slaves because I'd need to have some people to do stuff because I have a really busy job. The view would be amazing in the sunset and the glowing beams of light like a never-ending light show. The food would be roast pheasants, (sometimes, y'know because if you eat it every day then you'd be fat. #notagoodlook) grapes, honey, fish, bread and beef. (from cows,not Mickey D's #duh) My pastimes would include fishing in the Nile, boat riding on the Nile, carpentry, elephant riding, Camel riding, visiting the Sphinx, weaving and pyramid climbing. (This is not against the law cuz i'm da grand vizier,I AM the law, man,it feels good to be a gangsta') My mansion in full detail will include a spa, heating system, (yes, this has been invented #dealwithit)massive king size luxury bed #sleepallday. I'd have a private boat in which I can go sailing on the Nile and have my slaves peel my grapes for me while I enjoy the scenery. My job is a tough one because I have to oversee everything from pyramids being built, to the city's water supply, then I report to Pharaoh if anything goes wrong. My job gives me lots of money #rollinginit so I can have many luxuries. I won't have to go to war because I supervise while pharaoh goes to war. (and is rarely ever killed) I'd send my children to a professional school so they can learn and be super intelligent because then they'd get a good job, #learnalldat, although girls are only allowed to go to school if they are really rich. so that won't be a problem to me. Sometimes I'll visit the temple of the gods to offer food to the gods in order to receive protection and wellbeing from the gods. This is a list of all the main gods Amun-Ra, Mut,Osiris, Anubis, Ra, Horus, Thoth and Hathor. That basically sums up my writing thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. But if you do your job wrong you die…#hardlife
