Sunday 1 May 2016

my holiday 
In the holidays I went to my friend Holly's house because it was her Dads 50th  birthday.  My family and I were staying the night in our campervan. When we got there everyone was setting up  and then I saw Craig.  
I ran up to him and said "Happy birthday Craig!"  
he smiled and said "Hello Lauren." 
I said "Would you like any help?"  
He said "No that's fine."
 I turned around and saw chips.  I grabbed some and walked off to my friends.  When I got over there I offered some of my chips to my friends.  Then we sorted out a game, but when we where sorting it out my friends were jumping on each other and stood on my toe. 
I screeched. "Ouch!"
My friends asked if I was Ok? 
I said "I was fine." 
When we started playing the game I felt my toe was bleeding.  I shone the torch on my toe and half of my toenail was hanging off my toe and it was bleeding and had a bruise. 
I yelled to the others and said "My toe is bleeding!"
My Mum came to the rescue and saved me by putting 8 plasters on my toe as we couldn't find a big plaster.
Then the party started.  It was awesome!  Lots of adults and elderly people came to join in the fun.  We had an amazing time.  When Craig did a speech I just about started to cry.  It was a lovely fun time to spend with friends.
by Lauren Image result for blue smiley face with mustache

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