Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Debating (:

Hi everyone. Just in case your wondering why I wasn't in class in the morning today was because I have been doing debating! 
Today was our teams first PROPER debate at sefton school.
The moot was 'that Canterbury is a great place to live in' and we were the affirmative team this time.
We won (Yay!) 
Oh and according to the negative team (sefton) our water is polluted so be careful what you drink! 
haha but were pretty sure it's safe.
From Millie (:
P.S I would've included a picture but there wasn't any (:


  1. Great work Millie! And good luck for the next debate - you never know, maybe one of my speeches might come in handy!!
    Mrs T

    1. hey MINNY lol cool well done to you sammy and bella =)

  2. Yeah great job Millie...
    I did it last year and remember the excitment of winning! :)
    Emma L

  3. hey well done millie to your first win against sefton
    from daria H

  4. Thanks Guys
    I appreciate your support! (:

    Oh and I'm sure we will Mrs T!
