Wednesday 12 September 2012


Hi Room 11 this is my wonderful cheeky and cuddly dog Maisy! 
She is about 3 years old!
Maisy came from a family in town and HATES earthquakes! There were three kids one 10 one about 3 or 4 and a new baby so she is really good with kids and lets our 2 year old cousin Noah lie all over her and does not budge or growl!
Here is a acrostic poem I made up for her...
M: Most disgusting by eating POO!
A: Awesome at jumping over gates in a single bound!
I: Intelligent at opening doors!
S: Stinky by EATING poo!
Y: Yawining when she is tired and snuggling into her bed! Goodnight Maisy!
                                                       Ahhhhhh I LOVE the sun!       
                                                          MMMMM yummy poo!

Oy dont run away from me poo!
                                                Mmmm Thanks Ryley those lollies were yummy!
                                                   Eh give me more of those yummy things!
                                          Hello Lucy! Oh and can you please ask Room 11 to vote for me!
I hope you like the photos and Maisy! The one about maisy saying thank you Ryley is because one sunny day we were all outside and the doors were wide open and she sneeked inside and ate all of Ryleys Lollies! Wrappers and all! Naughty Maisy! But we love you to BITS! Love you Maisy!xxx Posted by Lucy!

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