Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Blog Challenge Week 1

Hi Guys
Welcome back to Term 2!
This blog challenge is simple!
Tell me about your holiday!
Do something exciting? Stay at home and spend quality time with your whanau? Go to a holiday programme? Whatever it is, tell me about!
Try to write a recount style story with you are the storyteller.
Good luck!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Leave?! Nope!

Hi team,

I would never want to leave New Zealand, because we don't have snakes here or any other predators.
Plus, it's beautiful here, there's no suffocating cities, and, you can ride horses on the roads!

            I would not leave New Zealand because

I don't want to leave New Zealand because it wouldn't be the same without all our beautiful birds and their sounds and also all our wonderful plants and rivers. I'd also not like the snakes or poisnes spiders even though i'm not scared of them but i would be scared to go just out side. There's alot of pros and cons about our country but I never want to leave to live anywhere else but here.

                                 By caleb

I Would Not Want To Leave New Zealand!

The reason I would want to stay in New Zealand because there are no snakes or dangerous spiders and that makes me feel safe. New Zealand also has very friendly people, for example when your in New Zealand you can walk past people and say ''hi'' whereas in Australia they will look at you in disgust. New Zealand has lots of lovely places such as walking tracks, beaches and old buildings.
New Zealand is the place for me!


Thursday, 7 April 2016

i would never leave new zealand  because its a butiful place to live and i would leave all my friends behind and its also has some really  great beaches    \

from kaytee

Why I would Not Want To leave New Zealand  

By Emma 

I would never like to leave New Zealand because of my friends and family, I would miss my friends and love my family, that would be the only reason why. My friends and I always have a good time together and I would not want to ruin that between us. Another reason is there is a lot of bombings in other countries with a lot of people getting killed and I don't want to be one of them.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

 never leave home

                                           I think you should never leave home .
                     NZ  is a wonderful place and doesn't have snakes and any dangerous predators.
                           love NZ so much and I think NZ is the best country .

by Harper

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

I would never leave NZ because
NZ is as cool as, NZ is a safe beautiful place.  I have been to lots of places and I have cool as teachers and friends that are here in nz. It is the best place out of all the islands around  the earth. We have great people here and I love that NZ is my home, I'm not going anywhere!!!!!

Image result for nz

Never leave home!

I don't really want to live in any other country but New Zealand because it's so peaceful here.
Here it's not that dangerous. 1 thing i love is that it's so beautiful and i really can't say much
about it.

sincerely jack higgins

1.50 for topteam
more parents for mt thomas
working bee sunday
mothers day raffle

my marshmallow by bryn

list of things 2 do

1:top team $1.50
2:Mt Thomas need more parents
3:camp "winnebagoes" fundraiser,(mothers day raffle)
4:working "bee" sunday

honourable mentions tuesday: Mt thomas trip.

by the one and only BRYN