Sunday 25 November 2012


Hi Team

There are three weeks to go, and lots to finish, so here is the homework:

1. Spelling. At the end of next week (week 8) there is going to be our big 70 word test. You need to figure out which words of the last 10 lists you don't know and start practising pronto!

2. Reading. Please keep reading for 15 minutes each night

3. Ancient Rome Research. We need to finish our research, and present using either power point, poster or booklet format.


Posted by Mrs T


Hi Everyone
As requested, here are the top dog winners!

1: ASTRO                                

Thanks for everyone who entered their pet!

Friday 23 November 2012


Hello Every Body..
My moment of the week is the Colosseum building cause me and Emma Have a lot of fun and laughs but still manage to get the work done he-he but yea were almost finished cant wait to see the end product i bet its gonna be amazing everyone else looks really good.!
Eva H-G (((:

Thursday 22 November 2012



Emma's Moment Of The Week!!!


I have really been enjoying the colosseum building. My moment of the week was when we had almost a whole day of colosseum making. Eva and I are almost done... I am pleased with our result so far, everyone elses is looking great as well!

Emma L! :)

Quizz 2

Hey guys time for another quizz

Guess Who
I play football
I am a boy
I am an adult
I am world known for well being awesome
I have played in the FIFA world cup
Who am I?
posted by Emma

Rubys Moment Of The Week


My moment of the week would probably be........
When we were making our colosseums for nearly the whole day.

From Ruby


Guess Who
I am a really bad empire from Rome
My name starts with N
I started the fire of Rome to make room for my Golden Palace
You have seen me on youtube when we was looking for Tiberius Gracchus
posted by Emma

P.S. this is just a fun quizz no prize won.


Hey guys my 'learning moment of the week' was continueing to build our colosseums they are starting to look good.


Emma J and Emily's favourite moment

My favourite moment was the Colosseums. Emma and I are nearly up to paper macheing it.
Emily =]

My favourite moment this wekk was working with Emily on the colosseum we make such a great team and we're nearly finished with the inside and then we need to do paper macheing can't wait :D

Joshua's Moment of the week

My Moment Of The Week

My monent of the week was learning all the types of roman weapons like

Spatha- A sword Calvery units (Horses) use
Arcus and Saggitta- Bow And Arrows

Plugio- A Dagger

By Joshua

Guess Who..

Hi everyone
I am a girl
I have blonde hair
And I love  Emblem3 and Rihanna!
Who am I?
From ......

Millie's 'learning moment'

Hi Guys

This week I learnt that in Ancient Egypt Chlidren didn't wear clothes until they were old enough to marry which was about 12 years old!

My moment of the week was probably being lifted up by Pippa and Lizzy at lunch times!
That was fun

From Millie

Daniels moment of the week

my  favourite part of the week was on thursday when we spent ages doing our colosseums
my group are making greatt progression at this and cant wait till we can puut in some lighting and see the finished product.

posted by


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Our Colosseums are taking shape!

Hi Everyone
It is great to see our Relationship and Character Kete in action as we build our colosseums. I am loving seeing team work and problem solving happening in Room 11! Here are the latest pics

Mrs T

Monday 19 November 2012

Who am I

Who am I?? 
Hey guys 
Try and guess who this is 

1) I have blonde hair 
2) I have blue eyes 
3) I sit at a desk with only boys 
4) I love chocolate 
5) And I LOVE One Direction 

From .............

Sorry no prize 

Saturday 17 November 2012

In the weekend I played cricket for the year 8 north canterbury cricket team.We smashed country south twice.Then i went to morgans house good times :).And now its sunday morning I think im going to lukes today.

From Angus.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Eclipse 2012

Today the senior team enjoyed using black paper, white paper and the sun to make cresents on the white paper with holes in the black paper. Using the paper meant we were not hurting our eyes by looking at the eclipse.

Monday 12 November 2012

Colosseum and Team Work

Hi Everyone
The colosseums are progressing and everyone is now onto building their actual colosseums!
It has been great to see most people participating with 100% effort, managing themselves and working well with others. AWESOME WORK GUYS!

Check out pics from Week 5 below

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Colosseum buliding begins!

Hi Everyone!
This week we have started building our model colosseums, as part of our Ancient Rome theme "Rome, The Romans and You."
The first task was to make a mock up design. Check out the photos below :)

Sunday 4 November 2012


                                                                      Hi Year 7s!
Don't forget to come and see me pronto for an Enviro Group application form if you are interested in being a member for next year. We need people who enjoy gardening, are responsible, don't mind getting their hands dirty and are trustworthy. There will also be an ICT component to it next year for you guys :)
The applications are due in 9am Wednesday 21 November, and we love it when people make an effort and create a little CV :)
There are only going to be 3-4 spots available, and we will have to have a couple of Year 6s who will be Year 7s next year so we have leaders coming up each get in quick!

Posted by Mrs T

Thursday 1 November 2012

Emily's favourite moment

My favorite moment was Norm Hewitt. It was AWESOME!!! The Haka and Gangnam stye dances were so funny. I also now have Veto stuck in my head.The Roman documentries were really cool and interesting. Have a good week!!! :)


Emma's favourite moment

My favourite moment was having Norm from the SPCA visit us he is so AWESOME! I also love learning about rome one of my favourite subjects to at school the idea of watching rome facts fromyou tube was really good happy we can do that more often. Unfortunetly I got the word Veto stuck in my head. One of my favourite weeks.


my moment of the week was nnnnot doing spelling but  watching ancient rome
movies and learning about ancient rome.

morgans high light


Millie's 'moment of the week'

Hey guys
Well my moment of the week was when I was doing road patrol. Pippa was on the other side and I had just put my sign out. She tried to put her hand up to tell the other cars to stop. There was a bit of a gap between these two cars and the car further back seemed to be slowing down, so she put her sign out. But the car sped up and Pippa had to pull her sign in, the car missed the sign by about 2 centimetres. This is the third time something like this has happened to Pippa.
And that was my moment of the week.
Millie (:


my moment of the week has to be the Norm Hewitt and the S.P.C.A crew coming and teaching us about animal crulty. i lernt that the 5 thing a pet needs is food and water, shelter, vet treatment, exersize and LOVE!!!.
have a great weekend.


Joshua's Moment of the week is...

My moments of the week are :
  •  learning about Tiberius Gracchus, how he changed Rome forever
  •   why he didn't have a proper buerial, he was only throwen in the river Tiber
  • And why the senate bashed him to death with wooden poles.

Emma L's Moment Of The Week!

Hi guys,

My moment of the week would be havin the S.P.C.A come and pay us a visit.
I was very inspired by his story. I was amazed at how he turned out kind and caring, considering his childhood with family violence.

I agree that animals are like humans and that they know when something is wrong and they want to help.

Emma L :)

is it

who am i = is it eva gough
from daria

My moment of the week is.........

Hey Guys,

My moment of the week was S.P.C.A It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really liked hearing about Norm Hewitt's story and meeting him too.
I liked hearing about Jasmine and Sasha story about the earthquakes and all the othe animals.

But most of all i loved watching Mrs T dancing with Norm Hewitt

From Caitlin

Lucy's moment of the week is.........

Hey guys,

My moment of the week was when the S.P.C.A came and told us all about their animals and how Norms life was and how his animals calmed him down when he was angry or sad.

I reckon it was AWESOME!!!!

by Lucy!

Millie's 'moment of the week'

Hey guys
Well my moment of the week was when I was doing road patrol. Pippa was on the other side and I had just put my sign out. She tried to put her hand up to tell the other cars to stop. There was a bit of a gap between these two cars and the car further back seemed to be slowing down, so she put her sign out. But the car sped up and Pippa had to pull her sign in, the car missed the sign by about 2 centimetres. This is the third time something like this has happened to Pippa.
And that was my moment of the week.
Millie (: